Well friends, it’s that time again! September 2020 Calendar is here and its all about seeing good days! We’re halfway through this tumultuous year and I’m here for it!
How to turn our bad days into good days:
I wanted to make this calendar cheerful because I’m sure we all need a little cheer in our lives, right? I’m on a rainbow kick right now so we’re getting another rainbow this month. That rainbow happens to go along well with our thought this month…
Every day may not be good but there is GOOD in every day!
True that! We have good days and bad days. The bad days are sometimes just too hard to deal with.But what if we could make that day a little better? Our thoughts have so much power over us. What if when having a bad day we turn our thoughts to something good?
The only difference between a good day and a bad day is our attitude.
Have you ever had a day where everything seems to go wrong and all you can do is laugh or cry? Try laughing! That right there could turn your whole day around! And then you’ll have a funny story to tell about your “bad day”. Another way to turn bad into good is to count the blessings we have.
Start each day with a positive thought and a grateful heart.
Counting your blessings is a great way to have a GOOD day! One more way I’ll share with you is this…
In the middle of difficulty lies OPPORTUNITY.
Think about that one. Look for opportunities to create good. Maybe thats paying it forward, a smile, a phone call or text or changing direction in what you’re doing. It’s mostly just in the way we think about things that can help create good days.
See! There I go again, being all positive and all!
September 2020 Calendar
Let this calendar be a reminder to stay positive and create many good days!
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