Hello friends! I’m here sharing the September 2023 Calendar and a thought about making everyday HAPPY. We just passed the half way mark of the year. How has it gone by so fast? For me, Summer is flying by! So let’s get to this calendar and an important message.
September 2023 Calendar
This months thought is…
Make today a HAPPY DAY!
Ever day can’t be the best and we probably want to forget some days completely. We may even “barely” survive other days. But what If I told you that you could add some HAPPY in every day?
Below, there’s 50 ideas of things you can do every day to make it a happy day. Pick 5-10 of these that resonate with you and work on them. See if you can find some “happy” in everyday. Add some of these things to your September 2023 Calendar!
52 Ways to be happier each day:
- Get Plenty of sleep
- Laugh daily
- Don’t take yourself too seriously
- Smile
- Help someone
- Ponder/Reflect
- Meditate
- Put away your phone for a period of time
- Don’t gossip
- Compliment people
- Attend to a personal desire or need
- Practice gratitude
- Remain positive
- Look for the good in things (not the bad)
- Be around happy people
- Don’t over think things
- Enjoy yourself
- Talk to people
- Manage stress levels
- Do breathing exercises
- Live a healthy lifestyle
- B R E A T H E, breathing exercises
- Appreciate yourself
- Spend time with loved ones
- Get outdoors and in nature
- Learn something new
- Help others
- write a note to someone
- Manage your time well
- Pick up after yourself
- Practice good grooming skills
- Focus upon problem-solving, not just venting
- Do Random acts of kindness
- Don’t compare yourself to others
- Process your fears
- Don’t worry about others’ opinions
- Enjoy the little things
- keep a calendar
- Be kind to yourself and others
- Allow yourself to make mistakes
- Develop strategies for coping
- Be forgiving
- Choose to be happy
- Don’t go to bed mad
- Be honest
- Stop making excuses
- Follow your dreams and goals
- Listen to people
- Live simply (declutter)
- Give more/expect less
- Free your mind from worries
- Free your heart from hatred
Let’s get to this Calendar and downloads!
Download September 2023 Calendar and happy print here:
Download calendar——>> PDF and JPG
Download print——>> JPG
So that’s it for September. Enjoy your month!
Your calendars are super pretty, thanks for sharing!