Summer is fast approaching! That means lots of fun summertime activities. What do you do in the summertime? Here are some great ideas and planning helps from inkhappi. 🙂
Last year I shared a list with some awesome ideas for summertime activities. It’s that time of year again and people are looking up this list of ideas again. Therefore, I am sharing some new summertime planning calendars for 2015!
May is here and before we know it school will be out. Proper planning can help ease the pressures of keeping the kids happy and participating in worthwhile activities in the months of June, July, and August. So pull out the calendars (or better yet, print the ones below) and use this list of brainstorming ideas and plan out some fun things to do that all can enjoy.
Some of the things I remember most about summertime growing up were not the long vacations but more the simple things. Like playing night games with the neighbor kids, lots of swimming and dad taking us to the river to swim after work, reading marathons, trying out new recipes and eating lots of cool treats. So here’s a great list of 100 ideas. You can use these or brainstorm some of your own.
I highlighted some of my favorite summertime activities! 🙂
1. Go on a hike 2. Ride a bike 3. Jump rope 4. Play outdoor relay games 5. Go camping 6. Visit a splash pad 7. Have a water balloon fight 8. Have a water gun fight 9. Go fishing 10. Go to a beach 11. Go to a lake 12. Go to a public swimming pool 13. Go on a picnic 14. Make ice cream 15. Hand out popsicl;es to strangers in a park 16. Do a paper craft 17. Do a 4th of July craft 18. Sing songs under the moonlight 19. Spend an evening stargazing 20. Family movie night 21. Family dance party 22. Try a new recipe 23. Do acts of kindness 24. Deliver homemade cookies to neighbors 25. Visit an elderly person 26. Help a busy mom 27. Change something in your bedroom 28. Paint something around the house 29. Plant something 30. Play night games 31. Go on a summer vacation 32. Wash a car in swimsuits 33. Have a BBQ 34. Watch an outdoor movie 35. Go to a water park 36. Visit a zoo or animal park 37. Have a talent show 38. Go goofy golfing 39. Go bowling 40. Eat at a food truck 41. Make snow cones 42. Have a read-a-thon 43. Slip & slide 44. Go to the library 45. Make playdough 46. Play board games 47. Throw a summer party 48. Eat at a new popular restaurant 49. Go to a pet store 50. Go on a day trip 51. Go to a rodeo 52. Go to a carnival 53. Watch funny u-tube videos 54. Have a movie marathon 55. Make up a new drink recipe 56. Do a science project 57. Go on a bug hunt 58. Make play dough 59. Color something 60. Write a letter to someone and mail it 61. Go on a boat ride 62. Build an indoor fort 63. Teach someone something 64. Learn a new skill 65. Make s’mores 66. Swing on swings 67. Go ice blocking 68. Go to a sporting event 69. Go to a museum 70. Get a new haircut 71. Shop at a new store 72. Shop at a thrift store 73. Go to a garage sale 74. Tour a historic home or site 75. Feed ducks 76. Run in the sprinklers 77. Play hide and seek 78. Go to a movie 79. Take silly pictures at a fun park 80. Get soaked in the rain! 81. Make homemade rootbeer {recipe here} 82. Go to a donut shop for breakfast 83. Watch fireworks 84. Make banana splits or 1 giant ice cream trough and share as a family 85. Have a build your own pizza dinner night 86. Learn a new magic trick 87. Have a magic show 88. Have a staring and laughing contest 89. Take a walk 90. Read joke books, tell jokes 91. Make a video 92. Have a shaving cream fight 93. Do puzzles 94. Watch a sunset 95. Make a current time capsule 96. Service project 97. Make a new friend 98. Watch a parade 99. Make a cake and decorate it 100. Write a story about your summer
Fun, huh?
Download the summertime activities print here:
Here are calendars to use in planning your summer months. Enjoy!
See some more ideas for summertime activities in the related links below.
What summer plans do you have? Please share in the comments below. I’d love to hear!
You can find the 2016 version HERE!
Jillene, THANK YOU so much for keeping me organized in a fun, colorful, inspirational way! My organization would be so boring without you. 😉 I hope you have an amazing summer and I wish you many blessings in all that you do!!!!
Thank YOU! It makes my day to receive messages like this. I love to lift and inspire others. 🙂 Have an awesome summer Tammy!
I SO hate myself for seeing this just now! What a cute way to plan and organize!!!
Thank you for all these plans. Way to make the dreaded “I’m bored” moments go away!
Thanks Paula. I hope you have a FABULOUS summer!
Winter is coming too :p
Do you have any ideas for winters too?
Julie McGraw recently posted…Top 10 Best Electric Griddles
That’s a good thought Julie! Hmmmm…. I’ll have to think about that. 🙂
Great stuff, i will try them with my children
Yay! I plan to make new calendars for 2017.
HI — Did you make some of these for 2017?
Yep! You can find them here: 🙂