This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and DripDrop®, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #DrinkDripDrop #DripDropHydrates
I often say, “enjoying life is essential to being happi”. Well, I also believe that “water intake and exercise are essential to a healthy lifestyle”!
Last month I shared some goal planning worksheets and today I’m showing how I put my healthy goals into action! I have some work to do to meet my ideal healthy state. I also know slow and steady wins the race and we must start somewhere so I decided to set some simple goals to get me started down the path to ideal health. I am going to share two of those with you today.
During the cooler winter months it’s not as easy for me to keep up my water intake. Recently, I had some symptoms of dehydration. I was getting extremely painful leg cramps and had less energy. It scared me a bit and I knew I needed to do something to increase my hydration. One of the goals I set this year is to do just that! The other goal involves walking and meeting my daily step requirements.
So how have I put my plan into action? When I came across DripDrop hydration powder I knew it would be a good start to helping me improve my hydration and water intake. I was really excited to try it! Now I’m really excited to tell you about it because I love it! DripDrop is a simple hydration powder that allows me to treat mild to moderate dehydration with a safe, medical grade solution. It’s also patented and clinically shown to better hydrate, in fact it hydrates 34% more effectively than water alone. Other added benefits are that it’s great tasting and provides 2-3 times the electrolytes of sports drinks at only 32 calories a serving. To stay hydrated and feeling great, I decided to add it to my daily routine and consume it after my daily walks. That way I can check off 2 things on my daily tracking together! I have a beautiful park near my home that has a great walking path and our mailbox is a short walk so I am taking advantage of those things to help me meet my walking goals.
So all I need is a cute workout shirt, shoes, my step tracker and water bottles. yes, they must all be “cute”. Hahah, that just makes it more enjoyable for me! 🙂
For variety, I tried the DripDrop in this fun water bottle called the “aquazinger”. It has a fruit mixer in the bottom of the container. I mixed the lemon DripDrop with water and put some strawberries in the bottom to create a fresh strawberry lemonade. It was a real treat and I knew I was boosting my hydration at the same time!
If you are interested in trying DripDrop, you can find it at CVS in the baby isle. {Yep!} That means it’s healthy for babies but also great for adults! There is a digital coupon available for $1.00 off with the purchase of one box of DripDrop Hydration Powder available 1/25/15 – 2/21/15 (while supplies last) which you can get —->>HERE.
Next, I figured out a healthy water intake and and how many daily steps I need to take to meet my daily goals. Now I need to track those goals to stay on point.
I made up this chart that I will also share as a free printable for anyone who’d like to incorporate and track water and exercise into your health plan like I have. You can fill in your own personal goals in the blank space provided and track your water ounces and steps as you wish.
Water & Exercise Chart Download
Awesome, right?
Although at times it is hard to meet my daily requirements, I’m loving this system! It really has helped me be accountable and has definitely made it easier to accomplish.
Way to go Jill! I am going to print out your tracker and put it on my fridge for Jake and I. Sometimes i worry he doesn’t get enough water during the day either. I need something to track my steps, I often wonder how many i do since i sit typing a large part of the day. I think tracking my steps would help me be more mindful to get up and move to get those steps in. I still remember the day i told my doctor “I can hardly walk because i have a torn meniscus, i can’t even walk around my block” She said “But what CAN you do?” and i got chills on my arms. That simple statement motivated me to start taking our Boxer for daily walks with my son. I can now say i can walk around the block, down the other end to the park, around the park walking path and thru the neighborhood across my street on my way back. Our last trip to California i felt stronger and didn’t even think about my knee for a few days. It was such a relief to not ruin the trip with my limitations. I ask myself daily “What CAN i do?” and than get up and do it. Slowly but surely i am getting stronger and healthier. I wish you the same my friend.
P.S. What do you use to track your steps? My sister does so with an app on her phone, i need to figure out how to download apps on my new phone. I know there are bracelets and arm things or belt clips. Just wondering if you found something you like. I will have to try the water drops, i have never heard of them. I use the emergen c vitamin c cranberry pomegranate powder in my water a couple times of the day. They are delicious and full of vitamins. I like the cranberry flavor best, super orange and tropical as well. You might like the pineapple coconut.
I use the health app that comes with my i-phone now. I tested it for accuracy and it seems to work well, but i do need to carry my phone with me always. I’m planning on getting a fit bit too. My daughter loves hers and they come in cute colors and fit your wrist like a bracelet.
Jillene recently posted…Birthday Gift Basket Idea with Free Printables
Thanks Amy! You are an inspiration to me too!
Jillene recently posted…Birthday Gift Basket Idea with Free Printables
I definitely need more water in my day–this is great!
Lisa at Mabey She Made It recently posted…Chalkboard “To Do” List
Thanks Lisa! 🙂
Im printing out that daily goal chart…. its exactly what I need
Yeah Aaron! Enjoy all that water! 😉
Yay! Good luck and drink your water!
Physical Exercise keeps a body very calm and energetic. Your excercise tips is very fruitful to all.
Thanks for the tips and suggestion. I will just add that mental exercise is just as important as physical exerise
especially with increasing stress.
Nice tips. Thanks for the suggestions.