July 2014 Calendar is here!
Summer seems to be getting into full swing and its time for the July 2014 Calendar so we can plan the upcoming month. July has lots of memories in it waiting to happen!
So what does the July 2014 calendar have in store for you?
Are you going on a vacation?
Will you be celebrating the 4th of July?
How about Picnics? BBQ’s? Swimming? Lazy days? That summer love? There are lots of things that summer brings that create great memories.
Whatever it is I wish you an awesome month!
Here is the Calendar…
Click HERE for download——–>> JPEG or PDF
And the print to go along with it! 🙂
Click HERE for download——–>> JPEG or PDF
Now go out and make some memories!!!
If you are looking for Summer fun ideas with the family and other summer planning calendars you can see this post I shared a few weeks ago with a 100 ideas for summer activities HERE:
Also i wanted to share another super fun summer idea I saw on Pinterest from 30 handmade Days. She shared these cute “Summer Punch Cards” for kids to fill out to help with boredom and when their punch card gets filled they can be awarded something fun that you pre-determined. This could be fun to add to your July activities. Check these out!!
30 Handmade Days — Summer Punch cards
Have a great week!
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I always look forward to a new calendar. It’s awesome, as usual! I’m looking forward to July also. I love 4th of July celebrations and a family vacation so we will for sure be making memories. 🙂
OH Thanks Karrie. I appreciate the compliments. Have a SUPER wonderful month!
Love the new calendar! My whole office has me print them all one! Thank you.
Awww Thanks Angie. That Made my day! Give the office staff a “happi hello” from me!! xoxo ~Jillene
I love your calendars! Thank you. I know you put a lot of work into your free printables. Its appreciated. 🙂
Thank you Deb. That means so much! I do put a lot of “me” into these calendars. I’m glad you enjoy and appreciate them!