Hello March 2019 Calendar from inkhappi!

As I’m writing this post and sharing the March 2019 Calendar we already have 1/12th of 2019 behind us. By the time March begins we will have 1/6th of the year behind us. Time doesn’t ever stop or take a break. We gotta keep going and make the best of our time! Along with this calendar comes another thought and a suggestion for how to spend some of our precious time.
GIVE YOURSELF some loving attention!
I started off the year all about self love and I’m still in that place. I see it all the time in both myself and others how we can be hard on ourselves or not give ourselves the loving attention we deserve. When I talk about self love I’m not talking about vanity. That’s a whole other topic. The focus here is LOVE. Speaking kindly to yourself, having pleasant personal thoughts and bringing positive energy into our lives.
Sometimes a little extra love for ourselves can go a long way towards doing good for others also. I know if I take some extra time to fill my own love tank I find it easier to fill others. So this months thought is that… Give yourself some loving attention. It may mean some daily affirmations, it may mean a bubble bath, or indulging in your all time favorite treat, JUST FOR YOU! Whatever it is, fit it into you life and see the benefits that may enhance your life from it. I feel a post brewing to help trigger some ways we can create opportunities to show self love. I’ll link it when i post it.
Pick up your March 2019 Calendar and Print below:
I’ve thought about this a bit and I think for me I’ll add some time each day for some daily affirmations reminding myself what my strengths are. While sharing is pretty awesome, sometimes it’s nice to indulge in something without “sharing”. I’m eliminating most treats from my diet right now but I’m gonna schedule in a treat for me to give to myself only and I’m going to ENJOY it!
What are some things you do to show self love, or to give yourself some loving attention? I’d love to hear some!
What gorgeous prints ! Perfect for staying organized and be inspired!!
i specifically search for your beautiful calendars each month.
Awww thanks Amber! I love sharing the calendars!
Hi Jillene. How can I print an editable copy of your beautiful calendar? I am willing to pay.
You can’t edit the design but you can add your own text to the calendar using Adobe Reader which is a free app.
Your art is so lovely you should give art lessons like some of the other graphic designers do. I’m sure people would sign up!
Hey!Your art is so lovely you should give art lessons like some of the other graphic designers do. I’m sure people would sign up!