How about some free patriotic 4th of July printables? With the fourth of July right around the corner I thought these whimsical prints would be fun to share!
Free Patriotic 4th of July Printables
Independence Day or 4th of July
I created a couple of fun patriotic printables that demonstrates some of these things! 
The first one is all about the land of the free! A bicycle ride to a picnic all decked out in red, white and blue sounds like a fun choice!
Download print——>> HERE
The next one is all about the fireworks! Hop in your blue truck and watch the sky light up with red, white and blue fireworks. BOOM!
Download print——>> HERE
So what will you be doing this 4th of July? We usually go up to our cottage in the pines. They have a parade and a good fireworks show but this year we are staying home, We’ve been invited to a barbecue on the 3rd that we look forward to and we’ll find a fireworks show to attend. BOOM!
I’m proud to celebrate my country and the land of the free!
You can check out my other patriotic posts ——>> HERE
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